Keynotes That Engage, Inspire & Train
the Drama
Keynotes can engage and inspire but how many of them provide tools to increase communication and leadership skills?
The tools of improvisation are the tools of listening, connecting and finding ways to move forward with full engagement. My keynote will introduce keys to connect and build relationships.
People learn by doing. This keynote will be filled with activities and conversations to coax people out of their comfort zone. You can't learn to ride a bike by listening to someone talking about it.
What we’ve learned as communication teachers can be summed up in one phrase: What will they do differently because of their time with you?
We used to think: It doesn't matter what you say - it only matters what they hear.
We've updated our thinking: It doesn't matter what they hear - it only matters what they do.
Talk to us. Leave the drama and the change to us.
What Our Clients Say
Our Core Beliefs
- Participants are most engaged when they understand the relevance of the keynote to them.
- Personal growth can only come when people choose to step outside their comfort zone.
- Creating a safe place to explore new approaches and behaviors is fundamental to growth mindset.
- Doing is more impactful than sitting and listening. Our Keynotes are interactive. This allows for personal experience and growth.
- Skills must be practiced if they have a chance of being incorporated into real life.
- The most important moment of the Keynote is ...the next day at work. Where the participants get a chance to test out their new skills.
Types of Keynotes We Offer
- Authentic Presentation – Your material is presented in an authentic and credible way. This frees up your people for follow up conversations.
- Got-A-Minute – A VIP summary that attracts attention and makes a case for spending more minutes in the booth talking with experts.
- Who Wants to be a [your name here] Millionaire? – An interactive game show that highlights booth solutions and benefits. A playful mood with an emphasis on relevance for the attendee.
- Are You Smarter Than Our SME? – An interactive game show where attendees match wits with your experts. Each question sets up your expert to add more details to the topic.
- Interview – Our host asks your experts questions. Perfect for high engagment and low stress on the part of your experts. Attendees value conversations over fixed presentations.
- VIP Tour – A walking tour with individual headphones and receivers gives an overview of every demo station in the booth so attendees can plan where to spend their time.
- Custom Creative - We can create a custom creative approach to match your style and target outcome.
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